Monday, November 15, 2010


zambia is in the process of conducting a census. however, instead of mailing out the census to people to fill out, people are hired to go around to each house individually and ask the residents a series of questions. the other day they came around to our house and most of the questions were pretty straight forward....where are you from, how long have you lived here, how many people live in this house. then out of no where, one of the important questions they decided to throw into the census was "do you own a wheerlbarrow?" haha. really?! not, do you own a car or something normal like that, but do you own a wheerlbarrow? we all found that pretty entertaining.

but i guess thinking about it, people here use wheelbarrows to transport everything. it's amazing to amount of stuff zambians are able to stack on top of a wheelbarrow and push it down the streets. it's very impressive. i would definitely lose control and it would topple over. the same goes for bicycles. people stack charcoal, wood, etc no joke 6 feet tall off the back of their bikes and ride around town. i can barely manage to ride a bicycle by myself without falling over, let alone with an extra 100+ pounds stacked on the back.

im in the process of buying a bike for the intern house, so maybe i'll be able to work on and perfect my bike stacking/riding abilities.

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