Wednesday, September 1, 2010


zambians have a hard time differentiating between r's and l's. they can say both of the sounds, but for some reason they almost always interchange the two. i now respond to both marissa and melissa.....lucky for them i don't yell at people anymore when they call me melissa like i used to when i was younger. it's gotten to the point where the other american interns find themselves calling me melissa on accident cause they hear it so often

the zambians have a good sense of humor about it though. some of my favorite mix up...

french fries = flench flies
surprise = supplies (yes kara, like the joke!)
fresh = flesh
curriculum = culliculum (this one gets used a lot with grs' skillz curriculum)
delicious = dericious

1 comment:

  1. Haha that's too funny!! Looks like you're having fun-- just saw some photos on FB you were tagged in! So cool! Keep us updated! Everything all good here, slowly getting warmer outside... Can't wait for summer now! Take care!! Much love xxx Emma (QT)
